Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Life as we Call It!

So many wheels moving on the road,

People with their hearts half with god!

So many hopeful eyes waiting for the bus,

 All their minds working from dawn to dusk!

It’s life as they call it

It’s a game we everyday play!

There are rules and no rules        

Paths we follow sometimes like a mule!

Stop here for second; give your life a serious thought!

You live on nature's terms whether you like it or not!

But, it still is your life; it still is your world

Make it better place till you think you have reversed the odd!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

She Kept Standing on the Shimmering Street!

She kept standing on the shimmering street, 

In spite of the scorching heat,

Hoping that he would come and meet,

And like a doll’s treat,

He was hardly capable of such a feat,

Then too,

She kept standing on the shimmering street…

Thinking of days gone by,

She took a deep sigh,

And kept herself a lie,

That it is worth giving a try,

She kept standing on the shimmering street….

At day’s end she looked back,

Of time she had lost track,

And patience she never did lack,

So she thought someone will come back

Yet again he did not come,

Yet again she dint go home,


She kept standing on the shimmering street….

It wasn’t surprising,

That the moon was now shining,

But her heart was still whining,

For she still wished to find the silver lining,

Just feeling her heart melt,

Emptiness she never before felt,

With eyes damp, looking like a tramp,

She lit the same old lamp,

Taking out the now weathered dairy,

Still hoping for the wish-fairy,

She Wrote the same old story,

Still wishing for days of glory,

She kept standing on the shimmering street…


Sometime, somewhere this has to end 

The impossible dream needs to be mend

Life doesn’t stop, nor does the living

For she’s a pure soul, and surely needs loving

So it will happen, the liveliness will come

The tears will dry; happiness is all she’ll hum 

And still she’ll go to her long lost soul

The soul she lost standing on the shimmering street!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

So She Thought!

And so it broke,

The fragile hope

So it shattered the heart of glass

Leaving the pain on its own to pass

It will take its toll,

It will destroy her whole

For what she thought as the ultimate dream

It has become an incarcerated scream

It longs to escape,

She can only sit and gape!


 She knows she’ll survive, because that’s what she has been taught

She knows she’ll live because this life is all she got

Though her eyes will not shine

But her mouth will not let out any whine

And this time will pass

Making the ache as permanent as brass

But she’ll survive because on her shoulder a responsibility lies

She’ll live because only living will remind her of his lies!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Found My Heaven!

I found my heaven in the arms of joy!

It’s lovely; it’s lively and empty of ploy!

Though I know it will go away,

I have very few moments to stay and sway!

But it still is mine,

It’s captured forever in my time! 

It’s a dream I cherish for!

It's a laugh I relish for!

It’s here where I am,

It’s there wherever you are!

It’s my hope, it’s my life!

Doesn't matter if it gives me strife!

And it still is mine!

Captured forever in my time! 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Virtue and The Vice!

If you have a virtue, u surely do have a vice!

If you think you are good, go look in the mirror twice!

If ugly is bad, then beautiful is not awesome either!

What you become is what you choose, God does force you neither!

Life is not fair is all we complain,

But then why do we misuse all that we gain!

What lies in us is the truth of our self

Hiding it under the mask is a sin in itself!

The beauty around is in abundant

Dwelling on the past is useless and redundant!

So take the moment as it comes

Enjoy the life as a guitar’s strum!